Thursday 12 May 2016

5 Tips that all outstanding students follow for good result

5 Tips that all outstanding students follow for good result
What I mean by these tips is that if you want a good result then you have to follow these tips. As I also faced many difficulties in starting. But then I got a good teacher at my coaching classes. who taught me these tips and I am getting good result, thank God. I am still a student of class 10 (Science). I have passed 9th class with 88.19% Percentage, thanks to my coaching and school. Before 9th class I was not such a good student, but was not a bad as well. I was ranking 5th in my classes of 6,7 and 8 with 70-79%. But when I was in IX class I got first position in my class in board examination with 88,19%.

So let me teach you the 5 tips that I follow and you should follow.

Tips for good result

1) Creative Writing (No Mindless Memorizing)
This tip is only followed by geniuses who do have full knowledge about the topic. They write about that topic freely and as much as they want.You should not write the Answers as they are written in your books or copies. You should write the answers in your own way with good headings and excellent technique. For this you should have command on your English writing skills and also your spellings should be perfect.

By doing this you will get good marks and your answer will be different then all other students in class or examination hall. In order to write on a topic, you should understand the topic completely.I guarantee you that following this tip will secure a good percentage.

Theoretical subjects like Pakistan Studies, Islamiat, Urdu, English and theory part of chemistry, maths, physics and computer Require more text then you write 

2) Understanding the Topic completely
It is very important to understand the topic intelligently and smartly. There are some teachers who do not know what they are teaching and are only focusing on completing syllabus. while on other there such brilliant teachers who's only target is to make student understand each and every point. I myself was very shy student having very less self confidence, but my teacher likes me and made me confident for answering question and asking questions.

Understanding is very important because without understanding how can you write in your own way. So it is very important to understand the topic.

3) Your writing style
This effects your result much more than other tip. Suppose two students having equal knowledge, one has good writing style and other one has bad writing compare to him, then you know who will get higher marks.

So I want to say that make as much heading as marks for e.g if there is a 8 marks then make 9 headings if there are 3 marks then make 4 headings. You might have listened the sentence "Paper Presentation" that is exactly what I mean.

Give large gaps between words and make your writing different & simple. I will recommend you to create your own unique but good paper presentation.

4) Time management (Speed)
Another important tip is time management in exams. As in Pakistan we are given 3 hours to complete our exams in which you should set target such as I do. During exam I promise myself that I will complete short answers in one hour. That is what exactly what you have to do. Manage your time so that can read you paper at the end and check for mistakes.

Always take a hand watch with your self to the examination center and set targets and finish targets. Writing should not be effected by hurrying up or else what you will get is loose of marks.

5) Proper Preparation
Proper Preparation means learning each and everything included in syllabus, but also keep looking at Past year papers for knowing the importance of a topic. By the way don't take Past year papers seriously just look them for a reference of importance.

Multiple choice Questions (MCQs) are very important and should be learned and well prepared. If you have a good preparation then nothing can stop you from good grades.  

My Equation for Success in Exams:

Proper Preparation + Style + Speed Best Grades and Percentage

I hope you like my blog, Please share it with your friends if it helped you.

IX Class Computer Practicals GW BASIC With Viva

IX Class Computer Practicals GW BASIC With Viva
Full Viva Questions, GW Basic Commands, GW Basic Statements, Flowcharts and all Programs list.

IX Class Computer Practicals GW BASIC With Viva
IX Class Computer Practicals GW BASIC With Viva
All Programs and Flowcharts of GW BASIC

Following are list of Programs and Their Flowcharts.
These are in images form for learning purpose if you want in text from you can download it here:

1) General program to prepare Bio-data:

2) Program to Print your name ten times using (a) For-Next, (b) If-Then:

3) Program to calculate square and cube of first ten natural numbers:

4) Program to produce the sum of first Ten Natural Numbers:

5) Program to the numbers 13,8,28,18,23,3  in (a)  Ascending Order (b)  Descending Order

6.a) Generalized program to prepare a Multiplication Table up till ten times:

6.b) Generalized program to find the Average of given four numbers:

7) Generalized program to Convert:
(a) Fahrenheit into Centigrade        (b) Centigrade into Fahrenheit

8) Generalized program to prepare Electricity Bill:

9) Program to prepare an Employee’s Salary Sheet:

10) Generalized program to prepare a Marks sheet of Five subjects with Percentage


IX Class Computer Practicals GW BASIC With Viva

List of Basic Commands and Statements with definition

Basic Commands
These are some standard Commands of GW BASIC for Class IX:

Defination: Keywords which are written without line number are called Basic commands. They are used in direct mode.
  1. List: To list all or part of a program to the screen, line printer, or file.
  2. Run: To execute the program currently in memory, or to load a file from the diskette into memory and run it.
  3. Load: To load a file from diskette into memory.
  4. Save: To save a program file on diskette.
  5. Auto: To generate and increment line numbers automatically each time you press the RETURN key.
  6. CLEAR: To set all numeric variables to zero, all string variables to null, and to close all open files. Options set the end of memory and reserve the amount of string and stack space available for use by GW-BASIC.
  7. Delete: To delete program lines or line ranges.
  8. New: To delete the program currently in memory and clear all variables.
  9. Files: To print the names of the files residing on the specified drive.
  10. Kill: To delete a file from a disk.
  11. Renum: To renumber program lines.
  12. Edit: To display a specified line, and to position the cursor under the first digit of the line number, so that the line may be edited.
  13. System: Close GW-Basic
Basic Statements
These are some standard Statements of GW Basic for Class IX:

Defination: Keywords which are written with line numbers are called Statements. They are used in in-direct mode.
  1.  CLS: To clear the screen.
  2. PRINT: To output a display to the screen.
  3. LPRINT: To print data at the line printer.
  4. END: To terminate program execution, close all files, and return to command level.
  5. REM: To allow explanatory remarks to be inserted in a program.
  6. INPUT: To prepare the program for input from the terminal during program execution.
  7.  LET: To assign the value of an expression to a variable.
  8. ON-GOTO: To branch to one of several specified line numbers, depending on the value returned when an expression is evaluated.
  9.  IF - THEN: To make a decision regarding program flow based on the result returned by an expression.
  10. LOCATE: To move the cursor to the specified position on the active screen.
  11.  FOR – NEXT: To execute instructions a specified number of times in a loop.
  12. TIME$: To set or retrieve the current system time.
  13. DATE$: To set or retrieve the current system date.
  14. DIM: To specify the maximum values for array variable subscripts and allocate storage accordingly.
Question and Answers Related to GW BASIC (Important for Viva)

Flowchart Symbols and their appropriate Definitions
Download PDF of Flowchart Symbols and their Definations

Thanks for reading: IX Class Computer Practicals GW BASIC With Viva
